Residents’ Society

Jack’s Point Resident Owners Association


Jack’s Point is a unique community that owns it own parks, reserves, farmed open spaces, roads and water infrastructure. The Jack’s Point Residents and Owners Association (JPROA) or the Residents Society, owns and manages many of these assets and facilities on behalf of its Members, in a manner comparable to a local council.
The JPROA is governed by an elected Committee and levies members for the cost of maintaining the communal facilities and operating the Society itself.
Covenants registered against property titles require property owners to become a Member of the Society and as a Member, property owners are entitled to vote on Society matters. An Annual General Meeting is held late in each calendar year.
The rules governing the Society, how it is set up and operates are set out in the Constitution and Bylaws.

For JPROA Society contacts and postal details, please see the Residents’ Information section further down this page.

Levies for Jack’s Point

Invoice and Payment Dates

Invoice Date Payment Due Date
1st Jan 20th Feb
1st Apr 20th May
1st Jul 20th Aug
1st Oct 20th Nov

Levy Information

  • The Residents’ Society operates similar to council and levies members for its costs to manage and maintain the communal facilities and run the business of the Society.

    Levies are set annually with the year running from 1 July to 30 June. Each year the Society will send you information on the next year’s levies and how they are made up. Levies vary depending on the utilities consumed by that property Details of the Society Levies are set out in the Statement of Levies and Explanatory notes.

    Jacks Point Residents & Owners Association Residential Property (Village & Residential Precincts) Levy Forecasts can be downloaded here:

    Residential Levies Forecast - Residential

    Residential Levies Forecast - Commercial

    Current quarterly levies (excluding GST) for specific properties are available here:

    Property Information

    Levies are invoiced quarterly in advance. Default Interest is charged on late payments. The Society has the ability to accept payment by Direct Debit or bank transfer.

    Direct Debit form

  • JPROA Village Commercial Property Levy Forecasts can be downloaded here:

    Commercial Levies

  • JPROA Village Vacant Land Property Levy Forecasts - (Development super Lots) can be downloaded here:

    Development Block Levies

  • This document provides information about how levies and other charges are set at Jack’s Point. It relates to the Jack’s Point Residents and Owners Association (the Society or the JPROA).

    Download Document

  • The existence and ongoing maintenance of the golf course is an integral part of Jack's Point. Golf Course Maintenance Levies are invoiced with your Residents’ Society levies but are passed directly onto the golf course. Golf Levies vary depending on the precinct, use and size of your property. Current quarterly Golf levies (excluding GST) for specific properties are available on Property Information.

    The Golf Course Maintenance Levies entitles Society members to access the Golf Course with the payment of either discounted green fees or an annual fee. To take up golf access rights, members need to complete the Golf Access form.

    The Residents’ Society has secured the access rights via two Golf Course Encumbrances and Village Golf Deeds registered over the golf course land. The Golf Course Encumbrance and Deeds, a copy of which is attached to the Constitution, provide Society members with, amongst other things, secure and ongoing rights of access to the golf course.

    The Golf Course Maintenance Levies are payable by Members of the Society as a contribution toward the upkeep of the open space, irrespective of whether you choose to access your golf course rights.

  • Access Direct Debit Application Form

    View Form

  • Download PDF of JPROA Bank Account Details

    Download Document

  • Residents’ Society Contacts

    • Resident’ Society and Design Review Board Administrator - Kezia Evans

    • Residents’ Society Phone Number
      Telephone 03 450 2052

    • Residents’ Society Postal Address
      Jack’s Point Residents & Owners Association Incorporated (JPROA)

      PO Box 2016, Queenstown 9349, New Zealand

    • Operations Manager – Steve Murch

    • Committee Chairman – Mike Coburn

    Emergency contacts

    Also see the Local Directory for other service providers

  • Property owners at Jack’s Point enjoy access rights to the golf course.

    Please find information and prices for the current golf season here

    Access Provisions
    All properties in the Residential Precinct (including the Preserve) have Golf access rights for two adults and two youths per property.

    Completed Station View houses and Clubhouse Lane apartments in the Village have Golf access rights for two adults.

    Village commercial properties, including Clubhouse Lane Commercial properties have zero Golf Access rights.

    Village vacant land including properties under construction have Golf access rights for two adults and two youths per property.

    Society Members can take up their access rights by paying an annual fee for or for those who play infrequently enjoying discounted green fees (day rates). Whichever option you choose, to take up your golf rights please complete this form:

    Golf Access Form

    Golf Access rights are reserved for property owners and are not transferable to tenants or guests. Details of Golf Access rights are included in the Golf Course Encumbrances (Residential Precinct Properties) and Village Golf Course Deeds (Village Properties) which form part of the Constitution.

  • The beauty of Jack’s Point is enhanced by properties being kept well maintained and consistent with design guidelines. Timber cladding needs to be regularly re-stained, cobwebs removed, gardens regularly weeded, dead or diseased plants removed and replaced and lawns mown. Drying laundry needs to be screened from outside the property and rubbish bins must be stored in the screened service areas. Houses and buildings are to be kept to a level that does not detract from general standards established for Jack’s Point.

    Empty sections should be kept mown to the boundary.

    Full details are included in the bylaws.

  • Membership of Jack’s Point Residents and Owners Association and consent to transfer information can be found here:


    The Sales Process page contains documents, links and downloadable forms, including Real Estate Signage Guidelines, Order a Water Reading, Online Transfer Form (to be completed by the purchaser prior to settlement), and other information from the Residents Society.

  • It is important that all new land owners, architects and designers review the DRB Process Overview and the Design Guidelines before any design work commences.


    All developments at Jack's Point require Design Review Board (DRB) approval before QLDC consent is sought. The DRB is independent of Council consenting.

    Full details of the Design Review Board process can be found here.

  • Jack’s Point Residents and Owners Association property information Weblink form can be found here:


  • In an emergency, civil defence and first responders will be very busy and will prioritise the people who need them the most. It’s up to us as individuals and as a community to be as prepared as we can be. Jack’s Point has a local civil defence group which also covers the wider area including Hanley’s Farm and Oraka Drift Bay. The group has had civil defence training and is well prepared to set up a community emergency hub. Thanks to investment of the JPROA ,we have an emergency generator, lighting and communications equipment at our disposal. Our community hub will be set up at the Clubhouse, or nearby if the building is not in a fit state for use.

    For further information, head to for more information and sign up to for emergency alerts.

  • Long term rentals (longer than 32 days), are permitted without Dispensation from the Rental Agency however the JPROA do require contact details for your tenants and registration numbers for the vehicles related to that property.
    Please find the Tenancy Information Form here. Return the completed form to the Society.

    Short term rentals (less than 32 days), are currently permitted for maximum of 42 calendar days per year and require Dispensation from the Rental Agency to be either owner operated or operated via a rental agent of your preference. Please contact the Society to arrange a Dispensation for your property.

  • Jack’s Point has an absolute commitment to the landscape which in turn feeds through into every part of our developing community. The staged treatment system we have invested in for residential owners (i.e. not in the Preserve area) at Jack’s Point is designed to give the home owner a largely “flush and forget” service that requires no significant involvement from occupiers while delivering our community a long term sustainable wastewater system. It takes advantage of leading edge technology to provide a state of the art system that aims to contain costs over the long term while contributing to the landscape. What you do need to know:

    Taking Care of Your System : Your waste water treatment system uses natural bacteria for waste treatment and some domestic cleaning chemicals interfere with these bacteria and shouldn’t be used. Citrus based cleaners and those that use sodium hydroxide or chlorine are fine. The main ones to avoid are those containing Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. Cleaning products do not always list all the chemicals on the bottle, so you may need to review the MSD sheets if you are in any doubt. Most household cleaners are fine but there are a limited number that contain harsh chemicals. As always, the recommended volume and concentration should be used and excess wash water should be disposed of onto lawn or garden rather than into the sewer. Do not empty the contents of chemical toilets (for example campervan toilets) into your STEP tank.

    Please find an short overview of suitable household cleaners here

    Maintenance: Your tank should require minimal maintenance with servicing every 2-3 years. Keeping the tank monitored electronically means that you can forget about it. You must have a maintenance agreement in place to be connected to the secondary treatment system and to ensure your system is covered by it warrantees, if you don’t have one please provide a complete Service Contract to the Society. We will be carrying out regular audits to ensure that all houses connected to the waste water system have maintenance agreements in place as this is a condition of the Resource Consent issued by Otago Regional Council.

    Please find a Homeowners manual for your tank here

    Please find the Innoflow Systems Manual here

    More Information: Up to date details of your system can be accessed on the Innoflow web site

  • Parking Bylaws differ between the Residential and Village Precincts. Please confirm which Precinct your property is within, with the JPROA, if you are unsure.

    Residential Precinct Parking

    All vehicles associated with occupants of your property are required to be parked within your property.
    Visitor carparking is to be used for for temporary parking purposes only.

    Boats, caravans, motor homes etc. need to be parked in a garage or screened to the satisfaction of the Society.

    The parking of commercial vehicles within visitor parking areas is prohibited under the bylaws as is parking any vehicle on our roads or any other Communal facilities.

    Village Precinct Parking

    All vehicles associated with occupants of your property are required to be parked within your property or other designated parking areas.

    The parking of boats, caravans, motor homes and trailer vehicles is prohibited other than with the written permission of the Society.

  • We do not receive mail to Jack’s Point. If you wish to reside in Jack’s Point and receive mail, you will need to secure a post box at one of the nearby post offices.
    NZ Post provide this service for Jack’s Point residents, free of charge, however there can be lengthy waits to obtain a post box, if your preferred post office location is Frankton.
    If you are applying for a post box at one of the local post offices, please take proof of ownership and / or residences with you.

  • Rubbish and Recycling services are provided by QLDC.

    Rubbish and Recycling are currently collected on a Friday morning (collection can be relatively early).

    Under the Bylaws, bins are able to be placed out on Thursday and are required to be returned to the screened service area no later than Saturday.

    If you need assistance with having bins put out or taken back in on your behalf, please contact the Society.

  • You will need contracts with independent providers for:

    1. Reticulated gas - you can contact either Rock Gas or Contact Energy for your gas.
      NOTE: Large gas bottles are not a permitted outcome at Jack’s Point.

    2. Electricity and Internet - you can use your preferred provider for these services

    3. Rubbish and Recycling - please contact QLDC for these services

  • The operation of a commercial business is not permitted within the residential neighbourhoods of Jack’s Point.

    If you are operating a commercial business from a property within the Southern Village Precinct, you can find Commercial Signage Guidelines here

  • Jack’s Point has around 25km of walking and biking trails that extend around the edge of Lake Whakatipu, weaving through the golf course and valley.

    View Trail Map

    Most trails start near, or lead to, the Jack’s Point Clubhouse.

    Rated easy to hard, there’s a trail for everyone – including your four-legged friends. Dogs are allowed on all trails, provided they are on a lead.

    See our detailed description of trails and the map here.

  • There are no new Community Events or Updates at this time.

Residents’ Information

Residents’ FAQ

For further Residents’ Society information, please see the FAQ section below for common questions, from Step Water Tanks to renting your property.

Precinct Areas

Committees and Members

The Residents’ Society is governed by an Area Committee comprising the following members: Mike Coburn (chairman), John Herlihy, Clive Geddes, Neville Andrews, David Wightman and Dan Wells. Each Precinct is governed by a Precinct Committee.

Residential Precinct Committee members are Clive Geddes (chair), Neville Andrews, Raylene McQueen, Tim Niven, and Simon Taverner.

Southern Village Precinct Committee members are Mike Coburn (chair), John Herlihy, and Steve McIsaac.

Northern Village Precinct Committee members are David Wightman, Noel Kirkwood and Dan Wells.

All Committees hold a joint meeting on the last Tuesday of every month. Any matters that a Member wishes to raise for Committee consideration should be submitted to Kezia Evans ( no later than the Wednesday prior.
Minutes of the meeting will be uploaded to Laserfiche by the end of the week following the meeting.

Constitution and Bylaws

To view, download the following documents:


Residential Precinct Bylaws

Southern Village Precinct Bylaws

Northern Village Precinct Bylaws

*The Residents’ Society Bylaws are subject to change.


2024/2025 Golf Season

Welcome back for another season. Please read the updated golf access information for residents.

Residents’ Society Levies

Residents’ Society Levies are due 20th August, November, February and April.  Penalties for late payment are applied on the last day of the month in which payment is due.  Pay your levies by direct debit by completing the form:

Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting (SGM), will be held on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. A Notice of Meeting has been sent to all current members of the Society. 

Annual General Meeting

The next AGM will be in November/December 2025 with the date to be finalised 2-3 months before the meeting. Meeting Notices will be sent to all current members at least 14 days prior to the meeting


  • Jack's Point is a private community that is operated by the Jack’s Point Residents and Owners Association Incorporated (JPROA), also known as the Residents’ Society. The Society manages the infrastructure such as water, roading, waste water system and 100ha+ of land is owned by the JPROA.

  • As a property owner you are a member of the Residents’ Society and are required to pay quarterly levies. The Levies are used to maintain the assets as mentioned above. Levies are circa $3,500 p.a. (this includes the golf levy and GST, utilities are excluded ), please note that levies do vary according to size, type and location of the property.

  • Properties at Jack's Point are charged reduced Council rates (e.g. council roads, governance, rubbish collection, libraries and swimming pool etc). However the Queenstown Lakes District Council does not charge Jack's Point property owners for potable water, or storm water and does not charge properties in the Residential Precinct for wastewater.

  • Membership of Jack’s Point Residents and Owners Association and consent to transfer information can be found here:


    The Sales Process page contains documents, links and downloadable forms, including Real Estate Signage Guidelines, Order a Water Reading, Online Transfer Form (to be completed by the purchaser prior to settlement), and other information from the Residents Society.

  • Yes, you will need Jack's Point Design Review Board approval before you build. Jack’s Point has a series of Design Guidelines to protect and enhance the value of your property. The Jack’s Point Design Guidelines are created to support development in a co-ordinated manner in keeping with the vision of treading lightly on the land and with absolute commitment to this extraordinary landscape.

    Building at Jack’s Point

  • Many residential areas of Jack’s Point are serviced by fibre optic telecommunications network. These are The North Terrace and Peregrine Ridge comprising of all streets off of Morrison Drive, The Highlands South comprising of Jack’s Point Rise (and the side streets), Coneburn Ridge comprising of Double Cone Road from Big Valley Drive and North and parts of the Preserve. Fibre connections are confirmed for the Village precincts. Contact the Society if you are unsure if your property is in one of these areas.

    Crown Infrastructure have information on availability in your area here:

  • The Residents’ Society provides potable water at Jack’s Point through its wholly owned subsidiary Coneburn Water Supply Company. Water charges are metered and invoiced quarterly, wastewater charges apply in the Residential Precinct and are assessed and invoiced quarterly.

  • Step Waste Water tanks must be installed for all residential sections by an approved installer. Visit the Building at Jack’s Point page for further details.

  • NZ Post does not deliver mail to homes at Jack’s Point. There is no specific post code for Jack’s Point.

    You can establish a post office box at the Wakatipu Post Office (Frankton). This is currently a free service for Jack's Point residents with proof of address.

  • Rubbish and recycling are collected first thing on Wednesday mornings. Bins are permitted to be put out on Tuesday and need to be brought in on or before Thursday.

    Please contact QLDC with any queries regarding your rubbish or recycling bins.

    If you need bins putting out or collecting whilst on holiday, please contact

  • Renting your home long term (more than 1 month) is permitted at Jack's Point. Property Owners remain responsible for ensuring that tenants adhere to the bylaws and that both the property and landscaping are maintained, landlords will need to ensure that there is sufficient parking on the property for all related vehicles.

    Within the Residential precincts, visitor accommodation (less than 1 month) has the below parameters as the residential areas are primarily for residential use and visitor accommodation in the future is expected to be provided in Visitor Accommodation and Mixed Use areas of the Village:

    1. You many rent your property for a total of up to 42 days in any calendar year.

    2. You are responsible for obtaining any council consent needed.

    3. You require dispensation to use a management agency other than the rental agency or market the property yourself.

    4. Jack’s Point is a registered trademark so if you wish to use this in any advertising, you will need to keep within the brand guidelines and get the approval of the trademark owner.

  • All resident’s vehicles are required to be parked within each property or within a garage. Visitor parking is for temporary parking of visitor’s vehicles.

    Boats, Caravans and trailers are required, under the Bylaws, to be parked in a garage or screened. The JPROA has a small number of boat/caravan parking spaces available for the use of its members, please contact the JPROA for availability and charges.

  • Pets are welcome at Jack’s Point so long as they do not cause a nuisance to others and are properly contained within your property. Pet fencing needs to comply with design guidelines and typically will need to be contained within a hedge or otherwise screened from public or neighbour’s view.

  • Business operations are limited to the Village and are not permitted in the Residential Precinct without the permission of the Residents Society. Permission to operate a business within a Residential Area will only be considered where the business cannot operate within the Village Precincts (e.g. a Residential Show Home) and neighbours consent to operate the business has been obtained.

NOTE: This is not intended to cover all issues and potential purchasers need to complete their own due diligence to satisfy themselves. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information contained here is correct, the Society will accept no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions contained in this document.

Maintenance Services

Local Contractors

Please note that the following contractor details are provided for residents information but cannot be taken as a JPROA recommendation.

To arrange for vacant lots to be cut:
Wakatipu Garden Care
Phone 021 710 458

Shotover Mowing - Brendon King
Phone: 039744350

JLM Ltd - Matt Jones
Phone: 0277277202

Tom Bamber
Phone: 021 714 111

For garden maintenance and lawn care: 
Wakatipu Garden Care
Phone: 021 710 458

Tom Bamber
Phone: 021 714 111

JLM Ltd - Matt Jones
Phone: 0277277202

Shotover Mowing - Brendon King
Phone: 0274635453

For cedar maintenance (ongoing maintenance programmes):
Clayton Gibson Concepts
Jack’s Point Cedar Care
Phone: 021 684134

For cedar maintenance:

Southern Lakes Cedar
Phone: 0800 762 3327

MTS Cedar & Co
Phone: 0220334050

Spider spraying: 
Alpine Spider Solutions
Phone: 021 321911

Email: Spiderban contact us
Phone: 0800 556 778 

Affordable Pest Solutions
Phone: 0210594587

Gutter Cleaning: 
Phone: 0275606004

Chimney Sweeping: 
Phone: 0278428342

Step Tank Care: 

Phone: 09 426 1027

Septic Tank Services
Phone: 027602 4822

For a complete list of local residents’ services, go to the Local Directory for Jack’s Point.